Dear Positive Prime Influencer 🙂
We have a dawn on the horizon for a new beginning. We’re sailing out to it…
We have a totally & completely new platform, system, program & we’ve made it SOOOOOO much better.
The core science behind the proprietary formula for a Session remains & the building blocks from the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, maximising human potential, peak performance, optimal health & emotional thriving are still embedded & harnessed in all we do.

We have been striving to provide you with an even more powerful tool that is key to setting the scene for success; enabling you as you Positively Prime yourself & remind others to use Positive Prime each day too.
It goes LIVE very very soon.
It’s time to gift ourselves & celebrate & pay it forward & be generous with others… and walk our talk… and claim a more vibrant, prosperous and fun future together!!!
We have a new way of “being” as an organisation. We have structured the entire “program” in such a way as to OFFER it to anyone in the world, even if they can’t “afford to pay upfront”…
We are sooooo proud of being able to create a ripple effect with benefits that will play out for INFINITY.

So, our Major Prizes are in recognition of our pure intentions & our warm hearts… It’s also about being true to our word with respect to helping the world become a healthier, more kind and more wonderful place for us all to share. This chance to win 1 of 3 prizes is focused on people feeling grateful & expressing their thanks. It’s about cheerfulness & spreading joy. It’s about people seeing opportunities & having the mindsets, attitudes, beliefs and being in the mood to capture those opportunities &, leverage them.
Together, we intend on enabling us all to take advantage and then generously give of ourselves as we pay it forward in life in all manners…
So, here’s a quick overview & there’ll be more details soon !!
Prize 1
ALL Expenses Paid Experience to Serafini Mind Spa’s Nautilus Estate in the exquisite resort town of Noosa on the glorious Sunshine Coast in the tropical state of Queensland in Australia for a PREMIUM 4 nights Retreat with Kim Serafini & her team of healers.
– ALL INCLUSIVE — main airfare to & from Australia/Brisbane or Sunshine Coast airport, transfers within Australia, luxury private accommodation, delicious & nutritious quality meals, massage, classes etc etc)

Prize 2
Become an Official Experts / Authorized Consultant with Positive Prime – with Professional Certification, your own white-label APP – as an exact replica of our primary APP, your own Player in your own website and of course your own Session featured in the Positive Prime shop.
VALUED @ more than $5,000

Prize 3
A series of Connections with Kim valued @ $5,000.
Imagine having 1 hour every week for 40 weeks to work with Kim on “anything” that’s related to a breakthrough-issue that you’ve been struggling with.

You deserve one-on-one attention & assistance from someone who has “been there”, made mistakes, learned some lessons the very difficult & expensive way & can clear a path for you.
Your choice – 1, 2 or 3 depending upon your personal desires & dreams !!
We’ll start together in January 2019.
In the next email I’ll start explaining “how” to ensure one of these Prizes is YOURS.
Excitedly, Kim

Kim Serafini
CEO and Founder of
Positive Prime enabled by Mind Power Technology
P.S: In the meantime, you can visit our new website.
The website has “buttons” that are not yet active – that is, if you try to click, nothing happens… at the moment… We will “breathe life into those buttons so that they work in January. We promise to let you know when the SITE is fully operational for our “Soft Launch” (which will allow us to ease into our new life together).
P.P.S: The competition will be so simple & easy for everyone to be a winner… you’ll want to engage your friends, colleagues, team members, those in your network, your students and other coaches, yoga teachers, therapists, speakers, authors, Spa & Salon owners & managers… to get them involved too… They’ll really thank you for it.
P.P.P.S: Tune in & stay alert for the announcements & clues & hacks for you to WIN BIG.
P.P.P.P.S: If you want to learn more about Prize 1… and missed the email we sent out last week – please visit:
Please share this email with friends, family, colleagues, students, clients… Encourage them to Positively Prime themselves too !!