Dear PositivePrimers,

You may have seen that I did a workshop with Dana Wilde… a couple of days ago… It was WILD and our we had so many folks join us LIVE… that meant they invested 2 hours of their precious time…

If you don’t have that much time to watch the replay… well, then… join Dana Wilde because she just recorded a brand new video…

She’s WOW – she’s exceptional & extremely successful… and she has SUMMARISED what we discussed in over 2 hours – and condensed it down to 28 minutes… for you to get the HIGHLIGHTS…

If you’re like us, and super busy… here’s the SHORT version…

I’m so impressed Dana has gone to the effort to create the “cliff notes or readers’ digest” version…

My goodness – take this opportunity to watch the presentation she created JUST FOR HER special fans…

I hope you’ll join us!

Kim Serafini
CEO and Founder of
Positive Prime

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