Positive Prime

Scientifically Proven
Your Brain in Flow
It Works Quickly

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The Video Above is a

Session Inside Positive Prime.
Here is How it Works & Feels:


How Does It Work?

How It Feels

Positive Prime improves performance, focus, health, and happiness.

Positive Prime features empowering messages, images and music that are- carefully curated to take you into your desired state.

Perfect for those of us who don’t have time for meditation. Positive Prime takes effect in as little as three minutes


Our images and messages are based on years of research and a proprietary formula for creating effective Sessions


    Sessions are endorsed by industry leaders in psychology, positive psychology, hypnotherapy and peak performance.


    Our network of coaches and content creators focus on bringing you the fastest and most convenient ways to prime your brain for success.


    Press play and watch for 3 minutes a day. The positive effects build on each other. The more you watch, the longer it lasts.

    Watching a Positive Prime session results in more positive moods, attitudes and energy that can last
    6-8 hours. 

    Positive Prime has helped thousands build the life that gets them excited to wake up each morning.

    Positive Prime helps increase your self-esteem, amplify your ability to create the right intentions, and achieve those big audacious goals.

    We empower people around the globe to finally find peace within, setting them free from fears and worries and into a headspace where they take back control over their lives. Positive Prime teaches you to look for the good in the world and when you do this, attract more of the good into your life.

    Positive Prime teaches you to automatically think in terms of what can go right. 


    Initial Research on Positive Prime by the Institute for Applied Positive Research led by Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan

    Based upon our initial research Positive Prime has the potential to quickly and effectively positively prime an individual user to create a positive mindset that results in potential improvements to health outcomes, educational outcomes, mood, energy, stress response and business outcomes. In partnership with the Institute for Applied Positive Research founded by Michelle Gielan and Shawn Achor, we have begun testing the impact of a single Positive Prime program upon an end user.

    Our first study was to determine if a single program could have an impact upon mood both immediately and hours later. We were unsurprised, based on previous research, to see that a positive prime of 1.5 seconds per image for 3 minutes resulted in higher positive mood immediately, but we were impressed that there was a statistically significant improvement of mood 6 – 8 hours after initial exposure (11% increased likelihood of reporting a positive day compared to the negative and neutral Positive Prime program).

    We then tested explicit (consciously aware) and implicit (similar to unconscious) memory. In short, we found that between 27-48% of the content was consciously remembered and that the content was retained even an hour later. This is good for any thought leaders who wanted an effective and efficient vehicle for delivering their content. But more exciting from a research perspective, a single 3 minute Positive Prime program positively impacted the unconscious thinking patterns of the user. 

    For example, if the user an hour later was provided PRO_______ and then asked to fill in the word, a Positive Prime user was significantly more likely to finish the stem with a positive word like “protect” instead of “problem” (negative) or “program” neutral. This links to an entire body of research showing that when the mind is positive, a whole host of positive impacts can occur.

    Our next steps are to:
    1) Determine how multiple program for a subscribed user affects their outcomes.
    2) Expand beyond memory and mood to stress, energy, productivity, sales, customer service at call centers, likelihood of following up with a doctor or therapist, stress before a medical exam, performance on a standardized test, recidivism rates, etc. The list goes on and on, but we are starting with how Positive Prime impacts decision making (discounting) which has broad implications for financial planning and career advancement.
    3) How personalizing the Positive Prime experience impacts the outcome of the user.

    Shawn Achor on Oprah Winfrey - 21 Days to a Happier Life

    Shawn Achor

    Shawn Achor is the NY Times bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage and Big Potential. Shawn has worked in 50 countries with nearly half the Fortune 100 and everywhere from Camp David and Harvard to shantytowns in Zimbabwe and children’s cancer wards in Boston. After spending twelve years at Harvard University, Shawn has become one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success. His research on happiness made the cover of Harvard Business Review,

    Shawn Achor – The Happiness Advantage

    After spending twelve years at Harvard University, Shawn has become one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between happiness and success. His research on happiness made the cover of Harvard Business Review,

    Shawn Achor is the author of BIG POTENTIAL How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises our Achievement, Happiness and Well-Being, THE HAPPINESS ADVANTAGE The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology that Fuel Success & Performance at Work, BEFORE HAPPINESS The 5 Hidden Keys to Achieving Success, Spreading Happiness and Sustaining Positive Change, THE ORANGE FROG A Parable for Culture Change, HOW TO BE A POSITIVE LEADER: SMALL ACTIONS, BIG IMPACT Insights from Leading Thinkers on Positive Organizations and RIPPLE’S EFFECT.

    As Seen on:

    Shawn’s Videos

    Please watch these videos – we trust you’ll love them so much you’ll want to share them too:

    Positive Prime research at UTS (University of Technology, Sydney)
    on: Understanding the effect of Positive Prime on Brain Dynamics

    The initial findings of the research is highly promising with results indicating a strong positive emotion with exposure to positive prime sessions. With parameters such as emotion level (valence) and energy level (arousal), we can gauge a strong indication of the positive impact it has on the user’s wellbeing. There is a substantial change in brain dynamics with positive prime content. For instance, there is a continuous synchronisation in alpha and theta power when presented with content from Positive Prime compared to neutral or negative content. Scientifically, theta and alpha power are known to relate to emotional changes and indicate that Positive Prime is invoking them.

    Our research explores multiple emotional scenarios and effects of the Positive Prime technique using advanced monitoring technological tools and sensors. We are using electroencephalogram (EEG), heart-rate variability (HRV), Electrodermal Activity (EDA), skin temperature, eye-gaze tracking, together with actual subjective ratings.

    Anuraj Gambhir

    Anuraj Gambhir is futurist, a speaker, consultant and educator. Recognised worldwide as a forward-thinking techprenuer, Anuraj has worked with some of the biggest and brightest companies in the world. He now helps businesses transition into innovative organisations through speaking, consulting and educational engagements. Click here to read more about his work

    Dr Avinash Singh

    Dr Avinash Singh is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the School of Computer Science in the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia and the Founder of India Future Society (think tank). He is also a member of Transhumanism Australia and actively advocates and promotes transhumanism. Dr Singh completed Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2019 from UTS, Australia, in collaboration and support with the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, University of California San Diego, USA, and the US Army Research Lab. Click here to read more about his work

    Scientifically researched at the Brain Computer Interface lab, within the School of Engineering at the University of Technology (UTS) in 2022.

    About the founder of Positive Prime

    Kim Serafini is a CEO, health & edu-tech company founder, much-loved executive coach & business advisor, international entrepreneur, inventor of Lithos Therapy, bestselling author, world-class keynote speaker, angel investor, Principal Positive Prime Consultant, and most importantly the creator of Positive Prime.

    Devoted to helping others make significant, long-lasting, rapid & successful changes she is committed to continuing innovating and leading with advanced technologies.

    Kim has lived and worked in the UK, Europe, USA, Australia & Asia. She has enthusiastically visited 22 countries and many U.S. states. She LOVES traveling, exploring new cultures and ideas while affectionately sharing her philosophy of positivity… living up to her title of The Queen of Gratitude.

    Jana Danielson

    About Elaine Sugar

    I believe the world needs a powerful global community. I bring together heart-centered world class wellness experts. I am a Mental Wellness Advocate and Founder of M.A.P.S. Global Events, a non-profit which hosts mental wellness events and provides wellness resources. I am a Conscious Transformational Coach. I am also a children’s self-esteem program facilitator with a passion for teaching children the value of positive thinking and speaking. It’s the foundation for my company Kids, More S.U.G.A.R. (Saying Unforgettable Good Affirmations Regularly). I am an award winning children’s program facilitator and best selling children’s book author.


    Membership Includes All of the following:

    Positive Prime Full Access

    • Access to all 100+ Positive Prime Sessions created by world class coaches, including Lisa Barnett, Dana Wilde and Joe Vitale
    • New Sessions added weekly on topics like finding wealth, beating anxiety and discovering daily happiness
    • Personalise your experience by uploading & integrating your own photos into your Sessions

    Exclusive Extras

    • A Brand New SuperMix Session added every month – SuperMixes combine multiple sessions for supercharging visual hypnosis and discovering a deeper state of Positive Priming.
    • Bonus Session Support E-Guides: including empowerment Flash Cards

    Bonus Gifts

    • Positive Prime Exclusive 7 Magnificent Days of Think and Grow Rich Course
    • 6x Positive Prime Bonus Gifts from our community of coaches to empower you to have a happier and healthier life both at home and in the workplace. And more to come!
    5 for the price of 1

    Family & Friends Sharing - Celebrate Together

    Help each other be accountable.

    For your Family, Friends, and Clients: Gift a full (equal) subscription to Positive Prime by inviting up to 4 other people.


    Whilst the primary account holder continues with an active subscription, those who are invited to share will have full access (ie. a free account that is a gift) therefore, there’s no charge for the 4 others related to the main account. 

    Activate the invitations & send to your four favourite people from within your account, even during your first 10-days on your free trial. You can all try at the same time!

    Support, Education & Guidance

    • Monthly group mentoring calls with founder and creator of Positive Prime – Kim Serafini
    • Weekly micro-lessons via email – Sharing wisdom, inspiration and the most effective ways to get the best out of your Positive Prime Sessions.
    • 100s of exceptional resources to support your journey and much more.

    When you start your Positive Prime Subscription, you will get access more than 100+ premium sessions and content from leading world mindset experts like these below:

    Join Positive Prime and start transforming your life with a revolutionary method that works.
    It’s time to act and enjoy the life you deserve.

    Marisa Peer

    Founder and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy

    Marci Shimoff

    New York Times bestselling author, a world-renowned transformational teacher

    Lion Goodman

    Belief therapist and a
    healer of the psyche

    Joe Vitale

    Spiritual teacher best known for his appearance in the movie, The Secret, and as the author of The Attractor Factor, and Zero Limits

    DTaRelle Tullis

    National and international keynote speaker, consultant, trainer, coach and author. She speaks weekly as a Co-host on the Billionaire Mastermind Forum Broadcast

    Want To Take It Slower & Discover More About
    How Positive Prime Can Help Transform Your Day?
    Access This Free eGuide Now –
    5 Powerful Ways To Positively Prime Your Day

    We all know what Positivity is, but just to be clear Positivity is when we feel our best, when we’re in alignment with our values, when we’re vibrant and have light, love and energy to share with the world. 

    And we’d like to share with you five of our favourite ways to Positively Prime throughout the day.