Dear Positive Primer,

Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here.

This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us.

Prepare for a week brimming with motivation and positive vibes!

Positive Prime Flow of the Week


If you’re looking to boost your positivity and transform the way you approach each day, this session is perfect for you!

Broadcasting Happiness by Michelle Gielan will guide you in shifting your mindset to focus on the good, helping you to see opportunities where others might see obstacles.

By embracing this positive perspective, you’ll not only uplift your own spirits but also radiate joy and encouragement to everyone around you!

Watch this session now!

Positive ChangeMakers around the Globe


Meet our Positive ChangeMaker of the Week: Dr. Jibran Khaliq from Northumbria University

Scientists from Northumbria University and partners in Pakistan are working together to convert banana peels into textiles and renewable energy, providing off-grid communities in rural Pakistan with a reliable source of electricity for the first time. 

Something to Ponder On:


Want to boost your mood naturally?

From Oxytocin (the “love hormone”) to Dopamine (your reward hormone), here are some simple tips to help you feel happier and more balanced every day.

Click here to read more!

Spark of Inspiration:

A reporter once asked Cristiano Ronaldo: “Why does your mother still live with you? Why not build her a house?”

Ronaldo replied: “My mother raised me by sacrificing her life for me. She slept hungry so I could eat at night. We had no money at all. She worked 7 days a week and evenings as a cleaner to buy my first football equipment so that I could become a player. My complete success is dedicated to her. And as long as I live, she will always be by my side and have everything I can give her. She is my refuge and my greatest gift.”

Cristiano Ronaldo’s success is not just about his talent, but also about the love and sacrifices his mother made for him. His story reminds us to never forget the people who help us reach our dreams.   

Did You Know?

Have you ever noticed how listening to classical music can instantly lift your mood? 

Whether it’s a beautiful piece by Bach, Beethoven, or just a soothing melody, classical music seems to have a magical way of making us feel better. But have you ever wondered why it works like that?

Positivity Reels to Elevate Your Spirit

Powerful Life Lesson: What Richard Branson Would Trade His Billions For

As we get older, we realize that the real treasures in life aren’t measured by wealth but by the memories and moments we’ve experienced.

Gabor Mate Gabor Mate On Loving Your Children Too Much

Did you know there’s no such thing as loving your kids too much? A 35-year study found that children showered with love and affection grew up to be the most independent, successful, and fulfilled adults. Every hug and act of care helps shape their future in ways we can’t always see.  

Gentle Reminders:


Did you know butterflies rest when it rains because their delicate wings can be damaged by the drops? 

It’s a beautiful reminder that it’s okay to pause and take shelter during life’s storms. Sometimes, we all need to rest and recharge when things get tough.

Just like the butterflies, you’ll fly again once the skies clear. 

Just for Laugh:


Here’s a relatable meme to lighten the mood and make you chuckle!

What do you usually do when you’re feeling down?

Discussion Time:


Monday Motivation:


Since I’ve run out of animal puns, here’s a food one you might enjoy:

Donut forget how amazing you are!

You are just adough-rable!

The world is glazy about you, and you are loved a hole lot!

Keep rolling through life with sweetness and sprinkle joy wherever you go! 

Stay tuned for more inspirational content next week!

Warm Regards,

Kim Serafini

CEO and Founder of Positive Prime

P.S.  Don’t miss out on the perks of a Positive Prime subscription!

Enjoy access to over 100 transformative sessions designed to enhance your mindset and boost your well-being. Every session is crafted to empower you with positive psychology, carefully curated images, and mindful affirmations to elevate your everyday life.

P.P.SDiscover how to unlock the full potential of Positive Prime in this insightful masterclass! Whether you’re new to Positive Prime or seeking to deepen your understanding, this video offers practical techniques to boost your well-being, mindset, and productivity. 

P.P.P.S. Please join our Positive Changemaker Facebook Group. We’ll be posting the replay of the workshop there, and it’s also a fantastic place to find support and feel inspired. This group is a vibrant community where you can connect with like-minded individuals committed to positive change. Join us now to keep the momentum going and access valuable resources and inspiration!

Your Exclusive Bonus Awaits


These 5 ways to Positively Prime your day will uplift you towards a happier, healthier life.  


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