Finding Hope by Kathy Wilbur 

Finding your hope Positive Prime Session is about finding hope along your life journey especially when life is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. This session will empower you to create a life filled with hope, excitement and move you toward seeing hope in each new day for creating the life of your dreams.


Have the ups and downs, twists and turns of life caused you to question or lose hope? This session’s positive affirmations and uplifting statements are inviting you to look into your heart and engage your own unique inner strength to take a leap of faith and live in hope. Hope matters and will help carry you into your amazing future. We all experience life’s challenges but emotional hurt from years of abuse hung on. I went looking for a way to move forward. I believe hope was always there waiting for me. Hopeful thoughts and behaviors propel everyone toward well-being and success. It does not depend on IQ or income level. Hope can be learned and I believe that is the purpose of this session. Hope is like oxygen and we thrive with even the smallest beginning of hope. Make it grow and flourish no matter what your past held for you. Hope almost always involves a leap of faith. Hope comes with a whole rush of plans for moving toward the future. It’s already there in your heart like it was mine.

Kathy Wilbur

Mary Kay Consultant

Kathy Wilbur experienced years of abuse as a child and it carried over into her future marriage. Somehow a ray of hope that she could make a difference for another woman or man encouraged her to write The Color of Hope and how Mary Kay changed her life.(to be published in 2020) . She has had a successful leadership career in Mary Kay Cosmetics where she earned 13 cars and 7 diamond rings but most importantly found hope, encouragement and a space to thrive. She found the mission to tell her story to help others create a life of possibilities and hope because hope can be shared. Imagine how many lives could be changed.

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