Why is it so hard to achieve our goals?

Why is it so hard to achieve our goals?

Hello Positive Prime Influencer, Robert MacPhee, the former director of Training for Jack Canfield, a Founding Member of the Transformational Leadership Council, the author of the “Manifesting for Non-Gurus” book has been a partner of Positive Prime since our early...
“Saved” PositivePrime in Healing

“Saved” PositivePrime in Healing

Hi Positive Influencer, I want to share a story with you… that should “shock you” out of your “daze” right now & hopefully compel you to proactive “next small steps”. This is how I feel – a little blurry… ***Public Service Announcement*** seriously. BE...
“Active” Gratitude Journal

“Active” Gratitude Journal

Hi Positive Influencer, You know those days (or moments in a day) when you’re just not feeling it. You want to be on fire, but you’re just like a cold & wet log struggling to be ignited… You want to be motivated, proactive & charging ahead… but you’re feeling...
Manifestation Magnet

Manifestation Magnet

Hi Manifestation Magnet, I did one of my private consultations with a client – a Premium Member… who seized the moment & organised the “Do It For Me” personalisation service the other day… Over video conferencing, via Zoom… we talked about how to create a...