Dear Positive Primer,

Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here.

This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us.

Prepare for a week brimming with motivation and positive vibes!

Positive Prime Flow of the Week


Health is wealth, and we know life gets busy! But taking a moment for yourself is important.

So dive into this week’s Positive Prime flow: ‘Wonderful Wellness by Kim.’ Watching this session will not only guide you to make the right health choices effortlessly but also transform your mindset towards a lifelong wellness journey.

Positive ChangeMakers around the Globe


ChangeMaker of the Week: Great Outdoors Colorado

This summer, Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO)’s Generation Wild campaign is spreading joy and awareness by distributing over 100,000 packets of wildflower seeds across the state. These seeds are not just any seeds; they’re a specially curated mix tailored to thrive in Colorado’s unique climate and support our local pollinators.

Something to Ponder On:


Sometimes, life throws curveballs that can make us feel stuck or unsure.

But remember, these moments are as valuable as any achievement. They shape us and lead us to growth.

Cherish where you are today—it’s a significant part of your journey toward becoming your best self.

Spark of Inspiration:

Do you know Ravindra Jadeja? He is a true testament to where resilience can lead.

Born into a Rajput family with modest means, Jadeja’s childhood was marked by financial hardship. His mother, a nurse, was the primary breadwinner, while his father struggled with inconsistent jobs.

Despite facing early challenges, including the loss of his supportive mother, he transformed playground taunts into global applause, becoming one of cricket’s premier all-rounders.

His journey is a powerful reminder that no matter where you start, with perseverance and passion, you can achieve greatness.

Did You Know?

Who else is guilty of hitting the snooze button multiple times each morning?

I used to do it all the time until I learned it’s not so great for us.

When our alarm clocks ring, our bodies kickstart the day by releasing a burst of hormones to wake up our brains.

But if we snooze and drift back to sleep, our system gets mixed signals, leading to the release of sleep-inducing hormones instead.

Regularly disrupting this natural process can impact our brain’s ability to function optimally, potentially leading to issues like increased anxiety and even long-term cognitive effects.

Let’s try to start our day as soon as the alarm rings and keep our internal clocks happy!

Positivity Reels to Elevate Your Spirit

Dr. Barbara Frederickson Broaden and Build Theory

Unlock the power of a genuine smile! Watch this snippet from our recent Neuroscience and Flow workshop to see how smiles can literally transform your brain and boost happiness.

Short, Intensive Masterclass On Personalizing Your Positive Prime Session

Personalizing your Positive Prime session not only deepens your emotional engagement but also accelerates the manifestation of your dreams

Gentle Reminders:


Dreaming big is the first step, but believing you deserve those dreams is the true magic of manifestation.

Remember, you are deserving of every good thing you seek.

Embrace your worth, believe in your path, and watch as the universe aligns to bring your dreams into reality.

Let’s cherish our desires and support each other in recognizing our worth. Share your dreams in the comments; I would love to cheer you on!

Just for Laugh:


Here’s a relatable meme to lighten the mood and make you chuckle!

Discussion Time:


Monday Motivation:


As we dive into this new week, remember that you have a porpoise in life.

Keep swimming through the waves of challenges, because you are dolphinately right on track!

Stay splash-tacular and let every tide bring you closer to your dreams. You’re not just a drop in the ocean; you’re the entire ocean in a drop!

Stay tuned for more inspirational content next week!

Warm Regards,

Kim Serafini

CEO and Founder of Positive Prime

P.S.  Don’t miss out on the perks of a Positive Prime subscription!

Enjoy access to over 100 transformative sessions designed to enhance your mindset and boost your well-being. Every session is crafted to empower you with positive psychology, carefully curated images, and mindful affirmations to elevate your everyday life.

P.P.S. Check out our latest workshop, “Neuroscience and Flow“. In our session, we explored some fascinating topics like:

  • How to achieve and maintain the elusive state of flow.
  • Why the alpha brain state is key for creativity and maintaining calm.

    Watch the recording now.

P.P.P.S. Don’t miss out on the replay and ongoing support!

Please join our Positive Changemaker Facebook Group. We’ll be posting the replay of the workshop there, and it’s also a fantastic place to find support and feel inspired. This group is a vibrant community where you can connect with like-minded individuals committed to positive change. Join us now to keep the momentum going and access valuable resources and inspiration!

Your Exclusive Bonus Awaits


These 5 ways to Positively Prime your day will uplift you towards a happier, healthier life.  


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