Dear Positive Primer,

Welcome back to our weekly newsletter! We’re thrilled to have you here.

This week, we’ve gathered a vibrant mix of inspiring stories, powerful quotes, and thrilling updates that showcase the positive changes happening all around us.

Prepare for a week brimming with motivation and positive vibes!

Positive Prime Flow of the Week


Feeling on edge with the pace of things? Or maybe you find yourself snapping quicker than a rubber band? If patience feels more like a puzzle than a virtue in your daily life, we’ve got just the session for you!   

Watch our Positive Prime Flow of the week “Patience“. It’s crafted with affirmations and images that help you navigate those moments when everything seems to test your limits.

From slow-moving lines and traffic jams to the everyday trials that wear you thin—this session is here to transform your approach and help you find your calm.

Take a moment to breathe and allow some tranquility back into your day.

Positive ChangeMakers around the Globe


Meet our Positive ChangeMaker of the Week: Bio Reform

Mohammed Azhar Mohiuddin, an innovative entrepreneur from Hyderabad, is making this a reality. His startup, Bio Reform, has already replaced 6 million plastic bags with an eco-friendly alternative made from corn waste that decomposes in just 180 days!

Something to Ponder On:


Embracing every part of our journey is what growth is all about! 

Celebrating the past for its invaluable lessons,
cherishing the present for the courage it takes to endure,
and eagerly anticipating the future for the endless possibilities it holds.

Today, don’t forget to tell yourself: “I am proud of you and I love you.”

Spark of Inspiration:

At 96 years old, Miss Pepa Dodge, a dynamo ballet instructor, proves that age is just a number. Teaching seven classes a week, she inspires her students with her boundless energy, dedication, and joy for dance. Her secret to a long life? “Keep moving and be grateful for what you have.”

Click here to read more.

Did You Know?

Did you know that experiencing awe can actually boost your brain health? 

When you take in a breathtaking view, listen to inspiring music, or simply marvel at the wonders around you, you’re stimulating your vagus nerve. This powerful nerve helps reduce inflammation, promotes relaxation, and even supports cognitive function.

Positivity Reels to Elevate Your Spirit

The Science of Willpower: Resilience and Longevity by David Goggins & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Learn how challenging yourself with tasks you don’t want to do can strengthen this critical brain region, helping you live a longer, healthier life

How to Control Anger with Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Just like treating an injury, we need to contain our anger before it spreads and causes more damage. Try this: Wrap your arms around yourself, squeeze tight, and feel the tension. Then, release it all and notice the shift.

Gentle Reminders:


If you focus on gratitude, you will find abundance in your life.
If you focus on kindness, your mind will notice the goodness in others.
If you focus on growth, you’ll see endless possibilities unfolding before you.

Choose what you focus on.
Where your focus goes, your life flows.

What are you focusing on right now?

Just for Laugh:


Here’s a relatable meme to lighten the mood and make you chuckle!

It took me a while, did you figure it out?

Discussion Time:


Monday Motivation:


You are absolutely fox-tastic! 

Remember, when challenges come your way, think outside the fox and keep moving fur-ward. 

Fox goodness sakes, you’ve got this!

Stay pawsitive and have a foxy week ahead!

Stay tuned for more inspirational content next week!

Warm Regards,

Kim Serafini

CEO and Founder of Positive Prime

P.S.  Don’t miss out on the perks of a Positive Prime subscription!

Enjoy access to over 100 transformative sessions designed to enhance your mindset and boost your well-being. Every session is crafted to empower you with positive psychology, carefully curated images, and mindful affirmations to elevate your everyday life.

P.P.SFeeling burned out or stuck in self-doubt? You’re not alone. I have created a special 5-minute energy healing video to help you release those blocks and tap into your inner strength. This 5-minute video will be available for the next 7 days, so be sure to take advantage of it while you can

P.P.P.S. Please join our Positive Changemaker Facebook Group. We’ll be posting the replay of the workshop there, and it’s also a fantastic place to find support and feel inspired. This group is a vibrant community where you can connect with like-minded individuals committed to positive change. Join us now to keep the momentum going and access valuable resources and inspiration!

Your Exclusive Bonus Awaits


These 5 ways to Positively Prime your day will uplift you towards a happier, healthier life.  


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