Access the power of Positive Priming for yourself and others
The system is designed to give you what you need to rapidly transform your life and keep the momentum going. You’ll then be perfectly positioned to really help others too.
Empower your clients to make positive changes in
only 3 minutes per session
- Your Title Goes Here 50%
- More Productivity 31%
Your own Personally branded digital experience and all the support to make it work for you and your clients
- Personalised Branded app ( $15,000 value)
- Personalised Postive Prime Session ($4,497 Value)
- Virtual Management ashboard & Direct Messaging Software ($4,497 value)
- API – Player for your website/ Membership Site ($1997 value)
Annual Professional Development Programs($1997)
Business Building Mentoring ($9,997)
Marketing & Promotional Support Package ($997)
Annual Commercial Listing in the Main Store ($997)
Collection of Authorised Consultant Resources ($4,497)
Annual Professional Development Programs($1997)
Business Building Mentoring ($9,997)
Marketing & Promotional Support Package ($997)
Annual Commercial Listing in the Main Store ($997)
Collection of Authorised Consultant Resources ($4,497)
Total Value $46,000
Limited time cost or re-launch $4997
or $500 per month for 12 months
Limited Spots for re-launch
There is an annual management fee of $500 that will commence for 2020. Your first year 2019 is included and free of charge.
Join today for these exclusive additional offers just for relaunch (limited to 20)
Because we believe in camaraderie, true connections, meaningful community taking care of ourselves (honest self-love) and masterminding together, for a fortunate few, we will HOST YOU*
as a personal guest at
Serafini Mind Spa’s unique retreat in Bali
in April or September 2019
Heavenly Environment, Superb Service, Luxurious Accomodation, Fabulous Meals, VIP Transfers, Exquisite Massage, Extraordinary Spiritual Healings, Sensational Coaching & more
*To qualify YOU must be one of the first 10 to pay in full each month
We’re a truly great group of inspiring people making everything brighter for everyone
Kim’s experiences in Change Management, her remarkable ability to engage with the world’s top executives and her passion for helping people improve their lives led to intense personal research on how our mind influences our habits and results and development of Mind Power Technology, a combination of the most powerful techniques proven to help people harness the power of the mind to create everything they want in their lives.
Kim is also founder of the i am gr8ful club, a resource of positivity, gratitude and empowerment – Kim lives up to her title of The Queen of Gratitude.
This is right for you now
When that’s you, then this could be the ideal Professional program to participate in and help to drive. It’s a perfect stone on the pathway to making a substantial living and impact as a successful facilitator or catalyst for peak performance, joy & health.
Total Value $46,000
Limited time cost or re-launch $4997
or $500 per month for 12 months
Limited Spots for re-launch
There is an annual management fee of $500 that will commence for 2020. Your first year 2019 is included and free of charge.