You know that I am a wonderful mix of “Science” and “Spirituality”… both are equally important as “river banks” for the stream of Consciousness… Super, Other-Than, Non, Obvious & Sub.
We’re fascinated in cognitive abilities – as they “play” with our emotional intelligence…
As you’ve heard me say time & again (for over 15 years if you’ve been a part of my beautiful community for that long):
We can’t “intellectualise” gratitude… we have to think of what makes us gr8ful & more importantly really reflect on WHY… and then even more importantly, FEEL deep & profound appreciation & thankfulness and allow our bodies to be flooded in deliciously healthy bio-chemical cocktails…

To that end, we’re exploring the potential of PositivePrime & going BEYOND what’s “just an awesome tool that accelerates change & helps us to WIN with greater speed, ease, simplicity, grace & joy & learn more faster & gives us “autopilot” for applying & living the matras that bring about transformation…
So, it’s a great honour, privilege & pleasure to announce that we’re excited to be working with Dr Kara Burns for an “exploratory” scope for what research scientists may discover about Positive Prime & how it can help all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons…

As you are all aware, Positive Prime supports people of all abilities.
Over the next few months we are going to explore the effect of PositivePrime on people with traumatic brain injury or stroke as our primary focus.
From there, we may also interested in the effect of PositivePrime on people with behavioural or learning difficulties, anxiety or stress-related illnesses, and finally whether or not PositivePrime is beneficial for those who use it to support a journey with a health crisis or chronic condition.
This is not yet a formal research project, just a fireside chat to see if PositivePrime can support people in this way, specifically those of you who may have experienced a traumatic brain injury or a stroke.
We’re exploring whether or not there’s sufficient interest by research scientists invegistating the potential of Positive Prime.
Please send a message (reply) and indicate your willingness if you fit, or someone you care about fits, into this category and would like to share your experiences with us.
My colleague, Australian Dr. Kara Burns and I will contact you to organise for a chat. The process will be objective & independent. The chat will be totally confidential and your answers will not be shared beyond the conversation.

An experienced health professional working across business development, innovation, research and transformative technologies, Dr. Kara Burns PhD currently works in eHealth QLD generating project opportunities for the Catalyst Innovation Program with doctors, nurses and allied health workers.
Kara also collaborated with QUT and Griffith University researchers investigating the impact of health technology on the lives of patients, providers and the community.
Importantly she advocates for increased ways on how to empower people in the health system and she has an extensive network of healthcare contacts and works diligently to support the start-up community.
Much Love,

Kim Serafini
CEO and Founder of
Positive Prime